Cash Flow Analysis Software

Cash Flow Analysis Software

Cash Flow Analysis Software For Landlords and Flippers

The decision-making process for an investor is actually quite simple. They need to know three things…

  1. How much money do they need ?
  2. How much money are they going to make ?
  3. When will they get their payoffs ?

Without knowing these answers, you will find it very hard to raise money, That’s where the software can help you. The partner module computes an individual’s (or group of individual’s) personal rate of return (cash on cash, internal rate of return (IRR) and modified internal rate of return (MIRR)) every single year of the project’s expected life up to 20 years. The annual cash flow, profit, and ROI are calculated based on the equity you choose to give them versus the cash you need them to invest. You then can create professional-quality reports so that you can clearly and concisely communicate the financial information required by all investors.

The Cash Flow Analyzer Software is the leading real estate analysis software. Since 1993, this software has helped investors determine the optimal offer price, rates of return, and cash flow on prospective investment opportunities. Over 500,000 users do this quickly and easily before the property is bought! Avoid costly mistakes and create professional-looking reports by using The Landlord’s and Flipper’s Cash Flow Analyzer Pro software for either long-term and/or short-term real estate investing.

Landlord’s Cash Flow Analyzer Software – Version Differences Explained

The Landlord’s version ($99.95)

is designed for the long-term investor who needs to analyze a property that will be held over a number of years, such as a 5, 10 or even 20 years. The numbers, calculations and financial ratios are presented in presentational-quality reports and graphs. Flipper’s Cash Flow Analyzer Software

The Flipper’s version ($99.95) ($129.95 with IRA Module)

is for the short-term investor to analyze an investment on a month-to-month basis up to 24 months. The reports and graphs are also tailored for short-term investment presentation. The Flipper also includes a detailed rehab schedule, detailed property inspection report, budget & tracking tool, and more.


Landlord’s & Flipper’s Cash Flow Analyzer Pro Includes everything but the IRA module

BUY BOTH & SAVE PLUS the IRA Module : ($199.95)

Landlord’s & Flipper’s Cash Flow Analyzer Pro Includes everything AND the IRA module.

The OPTIONAL IRA, Roth 401(k) Module ($30)

Instantly Compare Investment Returns

Using your retirement account to invest in real estate can be smart! But using an IRA to invest in real estate may subject you to the Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT). But who cares as long as your overall return is higher than what you would earn if you owned the investment personally. The problem is that until you run the numbers, you may not know if it is better (or how much better) using a retirement account.

With a click of a button, the IRA module calculates the investment returns as if you owned the property in your IRA, Roth or Solo 401(k). The UBIT (if any) and investment returns are automatically calculated and compared to the returns calculated as if you personally owned the property. Quickly see which way to hold title to your property!

You can also present investments to prospective “partners” who invest using their retirement money. Simply select the partner “type” in the partner module feature andther software does all the work computing their specific rate of return.

There is NOTHING else like this on the market!

Since this module is an add-on to the existing software, you will have access to all of the features plus this module… all in one. Owning real estate in a self-directed retirement account can literally mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional profits over time from the tax-deferral and income tax saving opportunities. The module allows you to quantify those savings for yourself, partners, or clients.


Presentation Reports

Create and print reports in PDF format for emailing and posting to websites. The reports are used by real estate agents, real estate brokers, investors, financial planners, partners and lenders to present commercial, residential, multi-family & apartment investments.

  • Choose from over 20 reports, graphs and charts to make your presentation professional to establish respect and credibility.

Projected Cash Flow & ROI

Cash flow, return on investment (ROI) and a re-sale analysis is computed each year for up to a 20-year time period. Easily see your investment return at the end of each year. These computations are summarized in an easy-to-read, concise report.

  • Create up to 20 years of investment analysis projections.

One Software, One Solution

The software handles any type of real estate investment:


  • Commercial
  • Apartments & Multi-Family
  • Office
  • Warehouse
  • Raw Land
  • Mobile Homes

Capital Improvements

Use the “Reserve Method” or “Specific Method” to determine the effects of future improvements by entering an annual reserve amount with a growth rate or specific future improvements for any year of the 20-year analysis.

The “Specific Method”

is depreciated for tax purposes in the year added. You can also elect to have improvements adjust the fair market value of the property.

Financial Ratios, Metrics & Measurements Calculated

Before and After Income Taxes
Annual Ownership Percentage
Break-Even Ratio
Cash-on-Cash Return
Gross Rent Multiplier (Monthly) (GRM)
Gross Rent Multiplier (Annual)
Loan to Value Ratio (LVR)
Modified-Internal-Rate-of-Return (MIRR)
Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)
Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR)
Debt-to-Equity Ratio (DER)
Internal-Rate-of-Return (IRR)
Net Operating Income (NOI)
Net Present Value (NPV)
Operating Expense Ratio

Plus more!

US & Canadian Income Taxes

Updated for the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and using the MOST comprehensive tax analysis available anywhere, you can quickly determine the tax benefits generated from owning rental property. Tax Depreciation, Passive Losses, and Like-Kind Exchanges

Use the IRA, ROTH and Solo 401(k) Module to analyze properties held in an IRA, Roth or Solo 401(k) retirement account.

Analyze Unlimited Properties

From a single family residence to an apartment complex to a commercial property, you can easily enter the rental income and expenses for up to 500 units/tenants.

Enter the annual lease rate increase per year, assign a different rate each year, or assign a rate to each lease.

Foreclosure, Short-Sales and Below-Market

The cost of the property may not always be the fair market value especially when you are buying properties at distressed prices. The software quickly computes the return on the spread.

Forecast and determine the future property value by entering a projected growth rate using one rate applied to each year, assign a different rate per year, or use a capitalization rate to value the property.

Rental Income

Three options to choose from when entering rental income (Monthly or by Sq. Ft:)
Quick & Dirty Method,
Advanced & Detailed Method,
Annual Method, or Enter leases by date and renewal period

Up to Three New or Existing Loans

Place up to three loans in service in any month and any year.

Compute interest expense using simple-interest, adjustable-rates (ARMs), interest-only, negative amortization, semi-annual, half-monthly or bi-weekly.

Refinance loan balance twice, finance points, and print up to three 30-year amortization schedules.

Goal Seek & Sensitivity Analysis

Quickly and easily solve backwards to determine what the offer price, fair market value, or initial rental income must be to attain your required rate of return!

Example: A property with an asking price of $390,000 is computed to have a 5% rate-of-return. You want to know what the offer price should be to earn 20%.

You simply enter 20% as your goal and the program solves backwards for the exact offer price needed to obtain 20%!

Annual Rental & Expense Increases

Increase rental income and expenses annually by entering a single rate to be applied each year or by entering a different rate each year. You also have the option to increase specific leases and specific expense items by different rates

Determine Best Year to Sell

The information generated from your analysis will help you determine the best year to sell the property. You will be able to compare the annual rate-of-return, cumulative cash generated and other ratios and financial information. This software helps you forecast when the property starts to under perform. If the performance is below your requirements, that may suggest when to sell.

Hold vs. Sell Decision

Determine the optimal year to sell your property based on the net annual increase in cash and return

Alternative Investment Comparison

Enter an investment rate and the software will calculate and compare the returns of the subject property and your alternative investment opportunity.

Insert Logo & Property Pictures

Easily insert your name, phone number and company’s logo on all reports. Include property pictures on the Executive Summary report and optional photo album.

Management Fees

Enter a management fee percentage and choose to apply it based on either “Gross Rental Income” or “Net Rental Income,” i.e. after vacancy expense.

Insert Your Company & Property Information

Easily insert your company’s address and contact information and save the information so that you do not have to re-input for each new analysis.

Central menu for entering the property address and information

Complete Property Resale Analysis

A complete property resale, cash position, and income tax analysis is computed for each and every year.

What-If Calculations

Change your input over and over to see the affects on profit and investment return. (Also see Goal Seeking feature)


Powerful Analysis Tools


Maximum Offer Price,

Optimal Sales Price and

Maximum Rehab Expenses

Quickly and easily solve backwards to determine the purchase price, sales price, or the maximum rehab expenses you can incur to attain your required profit!

Example: A property with an asking price of $127,500, an 80% loan, and estimated rehab costs of $17,550. The software computes a profit of only $11,973 by Month 6.

Your profit goal is $25,000. Click one button and you learn that you can only offer $110,260, not $127,500!

Rehab, Budget & Costing Estimator

Estimate the costs of rehab projects by using the detailed costing screen. We have national averages built in to help guide you. The estimated costs flow directly to the cash flow analysis report which shows you your cash flow and rate of return.

Budget, Rehab & Performance Tracking Report

Easily track your rehab, project and house flipping costs and compare them to the projected analysis. Calculate you actual cash on cash return. The report can also assist you at income tax preparation time!

Home Inspection Report

Use the detailed inspection report the next time you are inspecting a property. The report has a place for a Grade, Item Description, Potential Issues and Notes.
Feel free to modify the report to suit your needs

Income Tax Calculations Included

Quickly determine the tax expense that would be generated from selling the property and its effect on profit. The software is updated for all new tax laws.

Calculate Flip Profit & Cash on Cash Return

Cash on Cash Return is calculated for each month for up to 24 months. The calculation is a function of the initial investment you make compared to the cumulative cash flow generated. Easily determine if your required return on investment will be met.

Rehab Project Scheduler and Gantt Charts

Enter up to 96 different events and create a Gantt chart for your project.

Compute 2 New Loans or Assumed Loans.

Interest expense and payment obligations are automatically computed. The software includes interest-only and “accrue” versus “pay monthly” options. Easily print amortization schedules showing the mortgage information


Best of All, the Programs have Built In pop up tutorial modules to help your enter all information, as well as to provide a basic explanation of the process and definitions of the terms and acronyms used in the programs and reports, as they apply to the financial markets and tax preparation planning. The extent of these tutorials is so extensive, they just using this system along with its pop up tutorials allows the user to gain a substantial amount of knowledge on how to Buy, Sell, and Rent Income Producing Property, as well as to Acquire additional Partners and to Prepare and Present your Proposals to any Bank for Initial Funding or Refinancing.

Douglas K. Rutherford, MTX, CPA, CGMA, CPLA is a nationally recognized CPA practicing in the real estate industry. He is an author, businessman, real estate investor, the founder of Rutherford CPA, and is the President and CEO of Real Estate Analysis Software, LLC. Doug developed the Cash Flow Analyzer® software series beginning in 1993 to assist his clients in analyzing real estate investments. Today, over 450,000 real estate investors, brokers, agents, bankers, mortgage lenders, and others in the USA, Canada, Australia, and other foreign countries use this real estate investment software.

I could not recommend this system more! And for the very reasonable pricing, I would highly recommend that any Investor or Landlord consider the COMBINATION Package along with the IRA Tax Module Option. It will make a big difference in how you view and approach all of your future investments.

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